Our nation… bankrupting? An economic collapse? Sounds silly right? Things have always been the same and no matter what happens we endure and we survive. Our government and financial institutions will take care of everything. They would never let us falter. Anyway.. all we need to do is print more money, or borrow some from our best friend, China.

We are 16 trillion in debt right now. And the way we are dealing with our debt hovers past sheer incompetence. We are in denial. Some Liberals like to say there is no debt problem. And the ones that would agree say why worry. Do they know we can not spend our way out of debt? We have to cut. We have to save. Yet when it gets down to specific programs that should be cut everyone has a problem and no one is willing to agree or sacrifice anything. God forbid we attempt to save money by cutting funds from those special interest groups… they will literally cry racism. That is the liberal way.

Over the past 4 decades the total amount of American debt has gone from 2 trillion to 55 trillion dollars. The bottom will fall out soon no mater who is in office. But it really is easy to point fingers. Obama has borrowed more money than all presidents before him combined and is the leader of this horrible pack. Are problems have gone from bad to horrible and there are no signs of stopping the spending, no signs of being conservative with our debt problem. But I will not blame just Obama. Look at Bush and his run in office.

The bottom line is that we are on a fast pace to bankrupt our nation and a few specialist think we are anywhere from five years and fifteen years away from this happening depending on opinion. If this happens who comes to our aid? Who rescues us? Think about that one. What will happen? No one knows for sure but its not hard to make a few educated guesses and we need to be prepared for our families sake.

1. Your Taxes will blow up

We are seeing this now. The more desperate the government gets the more we will see the Middle class tax burden raise. Its not the rich that have the burden, and if things get rough for them they can leave the country anyway. After all they are rich. Us workers, not so much. And its only a matter of time before too much of our income goes overseas to China to pay for the money they have given America to keep the big leeches such as PBS, Planned Parenthood etc etc afloat. Our nation will run out of cash eventually and the lenders such as China will stop giving. When that happens you will be getting hit even harder in the tax department until your bucket is kicked out from under your feet. Its only a matter of time before you have nothing left to give while our debt still remains and our taxes rise and rise and rise. How are you going to pay your mortgage or feed your family? And this goes for a well to do family. What if you are already living paycheck to paycheck as you read this?

2. You’re going to be in the middle of a Banking Crisis

You’re going to wake up one day and realize all of the money your bank is holding for you has failed. The way we keep on printing money our currency continues to devalue . Overnight your life savings could devalue by 50 percent if we conjunct the rising cost of necessities with a few big flops and crashes. Or better yet, your currency could be converted to something worth considerably less. Deutsche Mark to Euro anyone? It was overnight.

3. Your investments turn to crud

So you’re in the onset of a collapse. What about the firms that are holding your investments? Your retirement? What if they too collapse? Because they will.

When it comes to investments, you better be very sure that the firms you have your money with are not going to collapse on you. If you are relying on funds that are being held by an insurance company or a brokerage you could easily lose every single penny. I would convert some of your assets to something tangible. Precious metals. Diversify. That financial institution could crumble with your money in it. Your money will be gone. This is happening all the time and all around you. Think of the latest stock market crash… just 10x harder. Your cash is gone feller. Completely gone. Do not think the great depression could never repeat.

4.You may lose your house

During our last recession MILLIONS of Americans lost their homes, many after pouring their life savings into it. Why? Many of those Americans bought into a house they could not afford, living pay check to pay check. Financial recklessness in the first place. Double that up with many of those Americans losing their jobs and there goes the ability to make even the next scheduled mortgage payment. But lets face it, it boiled down to jobs not fatty loans. Maybe you have not noticed the trend.. but we are losing jobs at record numbers still.

5. A long term power outage

Do you have a backup source of power? Get a generator. I know we have talked about this here. Most Americans have no way to live if the grid were ever yanked from them. Hurricane sandy? Most of those who still had their houses didn’t even have back up generators. Sears alone depleted their entire stock for donation purposes. And don’t think you need a natural disaster to lose power. Please do not think that at all. We may not be able to pay that power bill as a nation. Are you prepared for winter?

6. Thievery

When people meet tough times they would steal just about anything to take care of their families. Wouldn’t you? And who would want to live like that. The looting and robbing only reserved for riots would be an every day occurrence. Good luck deterring it if you have to way to protect or defend yourself. Even more so if Obama stripped the general populous of their weapons ten years prior. Its happening in Spain right now. And its downright scary to watch them crumble.

Unemployed fieldworkers and other members of the union went to two supermarkets, one in Ecija (Sevilla) and one in Arcos de la Frontera (Cadiz) and loaded up trolleys with basic necessities. They said that the people were being expropriated and they planned to “expropriate the expropriators”.

The foodstuffs, including milk, sugar, chickpeas, pasta and rice, have been given to charities to distribute, who say they are unable to cope with all the requests for help they receive. Unemployment in the Sierra de Cadiz is now 40%.

We have already discussed that crime is rising all over America already. This is inevitable in a collapse. Do not think the Great Depression or worse can not repeat again. Just look at our debt. Its only a matter of time.

7. Food Shortages Will Happen

They wont just happen, they will happen over night. Most stores only stock what they can and when things get sour… the shelves will empty out overnight. You will suffer dearly for it if you think otherwise. just look at Greece, they are going through it now.

The financing for many prisons has decreased to a minimum for some months now, resulting in hundreds of detainees being malnourished and surviving on the charity of local communities.

The latest example is the prison in Corinth where after the supply stoppage from the nearby military camp, the prisoners are at the mercy of God because, as reported by prison staff, not even one grain of rice has been left in their warehouses. When a few days earlier the commander of the camp announced to the prison management the transportation stoppage, citing lack of food supplies even for the soldiers, he shut down the last source of supply for 84 prisoners. The response of some Corinth citizens was immediate as they took it upon themselves to support the prisoners, since all protests to the Justice ministry were fruitless.

8. You will be in grave danger

If our Nation goes bankrupt you will have a very mad, frustrated and confused mass of people that lost faith in their leaders overnight. Our law office in Fort Worth has been building and refining a strategy for this seeming inevitability, as everyone should. What do you think they will loot after the shopping malls are empty? Your house. So Obama stripped the general populous of their weapons years prior. Can you even defend yourself? Do you think the police would be able to keep order after the paychecks stop coming in for them? No, they will revert to policing their family, not your community. Widespread rioting and violent crime will spike if rule ceases.

Look at what happened during the German hyperinflation of the currency in Weimar Republic after it started printing money like it was going out of style:

By mid-1923 workers were being paid as often as three times a day. Their wives would meet them, take the money and rush to the shops to exchange it for goods. However, by this time, more and more often, shops were empty. Storekeepers could not obtain goods or could not do business fast enough to protect their cash receipts. Farmers refused to bring produce into the city in return for worthless paper. Food riots broke out. Parties of workers marched into the countryside to dig up vegetables and to loot the farms. Businesses started to close down and unemployment suddenly soared. The economy was collapsing.

Please do not think this kind of life could never happen to you. Your way of life will crumble into utter and pure misery if you are not ready. You will be faced with a multitude of horrible circumstances and the only thing you will be able to rely on is yourself and your close family. I know gardening sounds funny to some but it really would suck to one day have to pray that a simple garden grows enough food to feed your loved ones. It really could come down to that so why not be prepared for that possibility as well as some of the ones I have mentioned above? We hope this never happens. But shouldn’t you at least be prepared for the possibility? There are plenty of tips, tricks and more to aid us in a possible collapse and I would like to talk more about them in another blog post in the future if my readers are interested.


I am a blogger, father, and I can be a geek at times. Self sufficiency is really just a hobby I still have a lot to learn about. I created this blog.... umm. I honestly don't even know why anymore.

View Comments

  • Mr. Becker,

    I concur with your assessment of America's state of the union--it is a sorry mess. Our culture is skating on thin ice. The masses are lulled into a false sense of security through the narcotics of entertainment, a passion for the next shiny object, and a thousand other culturally-endorsed distractions. And when that thin ice breaks, all hell will break loose leaving the masses to wonder, "how could this happen?"

    Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Israel displays one of the guiding principles in the death camps: it reads "Keep the deception going for as long as possible". Our government is using that dictum to hoodwink Americans into thinking a collapse is impossible. As you pointed out so well, not only is it possible, it is inevitable.

    Thank you for your thoughtful and timely article.

    Blessings - Bro Geo

  • Thanks for reading and commenting. I like to look at Hitler and use him as an example of what is possible. A lot of his methods prior to his turn in power are being seen today here in America. Sure it can be coincidental but history repeats.

  • The authorities tell us we can't protect ourselves, just be a victim of crime, yet they do nothing about it. There is a saying amongst cops, "if he looks scary, leave him alone". For thousands of years society was able to rid itself of bullies and thugs. Our current system has allowed the proliferation of dangerous people within our society, there is nothing law abiding people can do about it. The current legal system not only protects violent criminals, it allows them to thrive and increase in numbers. The collapse will bring some of the most violent times humanity has ever witnessed.

  • Mr. Becker, the republicans for the past 55 years with their extreme GREED have caused any financial situation the U.S. is currently in thank you very much.

  • I feel that both Democrats and Republicans are at fault for not being fiscally conservative. Democrats love to piss money away on feel good social programs that are not needed. Republicans love spending money on war. For the record I am NOT Democrat nor am I A Republican.

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