Food / Water / Gardening

The many wonderful and unknown uses of vinegar

Vinegar is a liquid composed of water and the key ingredient acetic acid. Vinegar is used mainly for cooking but…

11 years ago

How to grow hundreds of lbs. of potatoes in 4 sq ft

You don't need acres to grow hundreds of pounds of potatoes. All you need is a small 4 sq ft…

12 years ago

Vegetable Garden Anywhere: 5 gallon buckets

Are you tight on space? Can not grow a large garden? Cant grow a small garden? Cant grow anything?  The…

12 years ago

Lets Make A Homemade Water Filter

Article originally posted at Mother Earth News By: Linda Holliday During our boiling, broiling, blistering summer of 2012 here in…

12 years ago

20 Things you should have in a Economic Collapse (SHTF)

Could we ever see an economic collapse? Or a massive depression? Well do you pay attention to the news or…

12 years ago

My first Survival Garden (Survive a Famine)

Its never too early to think about surviving self-sufficiently if the aid of our government ever ceases to provide for…

12 years ago

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