Societal Fall

Prepping with Guard Dogs & Attack Dogs – Top 10 K9 choices

Many dogs are naturally territorial in nature. Prepping with Guard Dogs can vary by owner. With that said you do not…

11 years ago

A failure to protect our borders is a failure to society

Hundreds of immigrant minors flock to the states and your heart strings tug. But whats behind door number two? Are…

11 years ago

13 unlucky signs the middle class has died + Half the country makes under 28k

The middle class has been shrinking for 30 years and  it might as well have met its demise.  Do you…

11 years ago

DIY: How to make your own pepper spray

Before I say anything else I say this. Pepper Spray like any other weapon is nothing more than a defensive…

11 years ago

Heroes & Veterans arrested during vigil at NYC War Memorial

A few days old now this took place last night, October 7, on the 12th anniversary of the American war…

11 years ago

Americas Collapse 1.4 The Mental Health Epidemic

Did your dog die? There is a pill for that. Your wife left you for the mailman? There is a…

11 years ago

Americas Collapse 1.3: The Sensitizing of America

I think there is a current dilemma in America that can be more devastating to our future generations than any…

12 years ago

25 shocking photos from the Travon / Zimmerman Riots

George Zimmerman has been acquitted of all charges after shooting and killing black teen Trayvon Martin.  However suporters all over…

12 years ago

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