As strange as it may sound Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is derived from the inner bark of a Willow Tree. This has been known and used for thousands of years by various cultures to reduce fever, relive pain and thin the blood. Modern medicine it is not. This miracle drug has been around and in use for ever.
There are several other features of Aspirin that people are unaware of. This surprising drug can be used to…
1. Stop invading soil fungus from ruining your garden. Dissolve the aspirin into a half gallon of water and feed your plants a drink with it. This also is a working practice in house plants.
2. Kill Dandruff. Crush a few of the pills up and add the powder to any shampoo of your choice. Let the shampoo sud up, work it into your hair for a few minutes and wash out.
3. Take those dirty sweat stains out of your clothing. Dissolve a few crushed aspirin tablets into 3 ounces of warm water and then soak the stained portion of clothing for a few hours. Stink stains be gone!
4. Eradicate those ugly pimples. Crush the aspirin and mix the power with enough water to create a pasty substance. Cover the pimple with the paste and wash off after a few minutes.
5. Stop those bug bites from itching! Run the water over the aspirin while in hand for a few minutes and rub the aspirin directly into the bite.
6. Aid in removing heel calluses. These can be pretty annoying or embarrassing. Crush 5 apsrin up and mix the power with both water and apple cider vinegar until a paste forms. Smear it over the calluses. Cover up with a large band-aid or cloth and wait around 10 minutes. It should soften up enough to file down easily enough!
7. Bring a dead car battery back to life! Drop a few aspirin tabs into the battery. This has been proven to work but it is a gamble at best. This is hit or miss but may give you one last crank. immediately drive to the repair shop.
8. Many may not know this… but heart attack can be staved or its symptoms prolonged. Chewing a tablet has an immediate effect on cardiac episodes.
9.Restore Hair Color. Do you swim a lot? Blonde once? Hair green? Crushing 8 to 10 Aspirin pills and mixing them into a glass of water would be a good start. Wash the mixture into your hair for 10 min and wash out.
10. Instant cure for a hang over. Take two before bed… not during your drinking as that can have lasting health effects. Your hangover is reduced by inhibiting prostaglandins and possibly gone entirely. An old college trick!
Next time you see a Willow tree stop and reflect. Its a pretty amazing tree!
Carol Jackson
Thanks for all the work that you are doing and sharing tips for survival. I’ve copied some and shared on my FB page. I do have a couple of questions on this one though.
1. #1 “Stop evading soil fungus from our gardens”. Is “evading” the correct word or “invading”? Words can make a huge difference in interpretation!!
2. #8 ” but heart attack can be prolonged or staved”. — does this mean that it will make the heart attack last longer (prolonged) or should it read “prevented”? I’m hoping it’s the latter. 🙂
Inquiring minds need to know. I know that spell check is a wonderful thing but nothing takes the place of actual editing. 😉
Carol J
David Becker
Carol, thanks for your spell checking of my spell checking. I replaced evading with invading. I think my spell checker might have automatically changed the misspelled word to evading. I think my spell check improperly spell checked. We can find room for you in editing our upcoming book! Someone has to do it!
Yes, add “off” after “staved. 🙂