These little girls didn’t expect THIS when 2 FILTHY Muslim Migrants decided to swim with them
The left wing has been in a frenzy over Trumps migrate vetting process. The ban as they wish to call it, only ensures the vetting process is more sound, but try telling that to liberals. Maybe this horrific report from Germany will change their minds, but probably not.

A flyer posted at the pool stated the bathing rules in Munich, Germany, outlining that women may not be sexually harassed. As if it even need be written!
A local German police report noted that 5 girls between the ages of 12 and 14 were sexually molested underwater at a public swimming pool by refugees in one of a series of sex crimes against westerners. The report states that these men are asylum seekers living in Bad Oldesloe which is in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein. They are between the ages of 23 and 34 years of age.
The police report states, “In particular rape and the sexual abuse of children in bathing establishments have given us grave cause for concern. The perpetrators are, for the most part, immigrants.”
The police have been put on notice and are fully aware of the sexual assaults, as documented in reports from 2016. The primary concern is that these crimes should have NEVER took place. If only their borders were secure.
The German people need to say enough is enough and oust Angela Merkel. She has betrayed them and I fear many more will suffer at the hands of these migrants before she decides to secure her nation.
This may be acceptable behavior in their country but there was a flyer posted at the pubic swimming pool in Munic, Germany stating bath rules, one of them being that women may not be sexually harassed.
Hopefully liberals will eventually understand that this is the primary reason why Trump wants to vet its immigrants. We need not admit every single hungry mouth asking for food, for sake of inclusion. Yes there are women and children looking to evade oppression but the crime rates that flow with them show a large portion of migrants terrorizing our ways and a large majority of people refusing to assimilate to our western civilization.
It would be different if when migrating they left some of their archaic practices behind. This would show good faith towards assimilation. I feel terrible for Germany and am thankful that President Trump is taking the steps necessary to avoid admitting the same monsters that flow into Germany with out a second look. Are we grabbing America by the reins finally?
What say you?
Great post. Long live America.
Mike Dd
EVERYTHING and the ONLY thing one needs to know about the Muslim religion/culture in two sentences:
“In every country where Muslims are in the MINORITY they are concerned with the democratic ‘rule of law’ and minority rights.
In every country where Muslims are in the MAJORITY there is no democratic ‘rule of law’ nor minority rights.”
I challenge ANYONE to show a country where this is not true….ANYONE !
Amen bud.