It’s a sad day. When the halftime show for the most-watched sporting event in the country Violates Facebook Community standards, but that’s where we are in 2020. And that’s exactly what happened.

The Facebook page Lampoon Tribune shared an image of J. Low doing her wonderful halftime performance ad already seen by the entire nation. Within a few days of the Facebook post an administrator reached out to the Tribune to remind them that their image ws being removed for violating Community standards.
After challenging the ruling Facebook then employed an actual Community standards staff member to review the image where they once again found that it violates Community standards.

For those of you that don’t know, this violation will typically land a user in Facebook jail for anywhere between 1 and 30 days depending on the frequency of violations. During this time frame of the offender cannot communicate with anybody on Facebook or use Facebook Messenger.

Do you think it’s unfair to stop a user from accessing his Facebook for sharing halftime videos and images?
D. S.
The half time show was a blatant show of sexuality during a supposed family event. It was disgusting and should never have been on TV where families were watching with their children.