About the author


I am a blogger, father, and I can be a geek at times. Self sufficiency is really just a hobby I still have a lot to learn about. I created this blog.... umm. I honestly don't even know why anymore.

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    How long does this stuff stay usable? I’m try to figure out how often I would need to make more of it, and what is the best way to store it, for use. Also in large quantities, if it stays potent for long periods of time. I thank you for the information, you have given me. My oldest granddaughter is legally blind, so a weapon would be dangerous for her to use, but I believe this is an option for her personal use. She would have a better chance at hitting them, with a spray, and doesn’t need to be close enough to touch them to aim it.

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    Gloria Kimball

    Several years ago, I made some of this for my garden to keep bugs and cats out. I had no instructions, so I just faked it. I took several hot peppers, put them min a pan with about 2 cups of water, sat it on my BBQ burner outside and brought it to a boil, then turned it off and let it steep until it got cold. Filtered it through some a t-shirt dust rag, added a couple drops of Dawn to make it stick good, poured it in a spray bottle. This has been several years ago and the stuff is still kicking strong.


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