Do you know what to do if protesters surround your car?

foot to skull
Hello. There has been a massive influx of traffic to my website and I’m trying to figure out where the traffic is coming from. If you’re reading this please leave a message in the comments telling me where exactly you are referred from.
After watching the news for the past 3 years we have all seen an ongoing trend in the urban wing of society: street protests. And the favorite method of protesting among them seems to be blocking traffic. As a motorist you could be one hill, blind spot or bend away from finding yourself smack dab in the middle of a protest mass of thousands with no foreseeable way through and no way back. What do you do if you suddenly find your car and its passengers engulfed by angry (often it seems angry) protestors? You need to act very quick if protestors surround your car.
Its important to understand the self defense laws in your state. Anywhere in America you can use up to the amount of force necessary to defend yourself and your family. You can NOT use deadly physical force unless you feel there is an imminent threat of death or great physical harm. Your vehicle IS at times a weapon and should only be used as one to meet or match the threat imposed on you. You need to think quickly and address the threat level.
If protestors are doing noting more than merely blocking your way, you may still be able to use a reasonable amount of force to remove yourself from the situation, just understand that your actions are most likely being recorded and will be evaluated by at the very least local law enforcement agencies.
In New York State, the NYS penal code section 35 through 35-20 covers the use of force and deadly physical force.
A person may, subject to the provisions of subdivision two, use physical force upon another person when and to the extent he or she reasonably believes such to be necessary to defend himself, herself or a third person from what he or she reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of unlawful physical force by such other person, unless:
(a) The latter’s conduct was provoked by the actor with intent to cause physical injury to another person; or
(b) The actor was the initial aggressor; except that in such case the use of physical force is nevertheless justifiable if the actor has withdrawn from the encounter and effectively communicated such withdrawal to such other person but the latter persists in continuing the incident by the use or threatened imminent use of unlawful physical force; or
(c) The physical force involved is the product of a combat by agreement not specifically authorized by law.
2. A person may not use deadly physical force upon another person under circumstances specified in subdivision one unless:
(a) The actor reasonably believes that such other person is using or about to use deadly physical force. Even in such case, however, the actor may not use deadly physical force if he or she knows that with complete personal safety, to oneself and others he or she may avoid the necessity of so doing by retreating.”
Call 911
Call 911 immediately if you can do so safely. Local law enforcement agencies are most likely aware of the protest and have officers are on the roadways near by. If you let them know you are trapped in the midst of a large and angry crowd they might attempt to rescue by methods of crowd control, but its not guaranteed they will be able to disperse the crowd. You, or a loved one could be injured or killed while waiting for help.
In a nation where lawyers are always working, you would improve your legal defense by recording the actions of your incident. Obviously the cameras are rolling. Everyone wants to record dirty laundry. But don’t expect the camera of a street walker to work in your favor. If possible, have a passenger begin recording the incident as soon as you are obstructed. Remain quiet, your goal is to record audible sounds and words of the scene as well as verbiage and actions used by protestors.
Driving while recording film is very unsafe and not recommended. Your judgement is best when both eyes are on the road and processing what you must do to escape safely.

arson is a serious threat
The first thing one should attempt would be to leave the area in reverse. If you can back up and go in the other direction, this should quell the disturbance. If you can not, slowly moving your vehicle through a group of protestors, as to push them as gently, should be seen as a very reasonable use of force. You are not injuring anyone at this point as your life is not presently being threatened.
Escaping should still be your 1st priority. If you have to drive on the shoulder, median or sidewalk to do so, do so. If things turn violent in ANY way your methods of escape NEED to escalate. If protestors surround your car and people start to hurl objects that strike your vehicle, pound their fists on your vehicle or rock it as to overturn it, you need to do something immediately. If the hair is standing up on your neck and you feel you may be drug out of your vehicle and inured, its time to up the level of force used.
Have your family lay down and duck. Instruct them to shield their eyes and cover their skin to project from hard objects being thrown, breaking glass or even fists, while covering up with what ever can be found. If the back seat can be pulled down and passengers have the option to retreat into the trunk they should take cover there.
Get the heck out of doge. Its dangerous! If you have to use your car to shove people out of the way or drive over those same people trying to stop you, then do it. Because most likely when they drag you out of the car you are going to get what you were fearful of from the get go, physical harm or great physical harm. If you feel you were in immediate danger and can articulate that, then your actions will be justified.
If your car becomes disabled or is permanently stationary…
If you cant go anywhere the crowd does not appear to be dangerous, your best option would just be to chill out and wait for things to quiet down. Police try and end these disturbances quickly. If things change, and the crowd appears to be hostile or dangerous you will find yourself in a real life threatening emergency. Can you effectively escape from your car and find a protected area on foot?
If the vehicle is no longer operable from a driving stand point you may need to move. If protestors are breaking the windows or attempting to enter your inoperable vehicle, then you’re getting drug out eventually, the clock is ticking. Might as well exit the vehicle on your own power.
Family first

Make sure you take all important items with you if time permits. Keys, phones, identifications and above all else any weapons. If you do not carry a personal firearm, knives and weapons of impact become even more important.
Your family and safety comes first. If you feel with out a doubt that they are in danger, you have every right as a human being, to act for them.
well, I would also pull my glock 23 out of the holster
David Becker
Amen bub!
Soylent Magenta
I think a lot of folks do not understand how a crowd of angry folks can quickly turn into a pack of homicidal maniacs bent on destroying and killing everything in its path.
Just because you have never wronged someone in your entire life does not mean they will not injure and kill you. The do not know who you are. You are just another face to them.
David Becker
I agree completely. We live in dangerous times.
If I experience a situation when a rioter takes a bat to one of my windows as I slowly pass by, then Katie bar the door…because I am going to do what I can to remove myself from that situation. Even if it means running over a dozen unruly rioters. If it means jail, so be it….if my family is in danger…I will defend them.
Joe C
You might also consider using the Waze app, every time you get in the car. This can prevent nearly every one of these occurrences from happening to you. The only exception would be if you are right there when it gets started.
They forgot: lock the door and windows when you drive. Why make it easier for them, too?
Stomp a mud hole!
Drive over them and never stop if you feel threatened. Keep your guns. They work and do come in handy.
Richard Rider
In Texas, there are over 825,000 people legally allowed to pack heat on their person when in public. In addition, Texas (like a few other states) allows ANYONE who legally owns a gun to carry it loaded in their car.
You know what you DON’T find in Texas? Leftists blocking the road — let alone a mob attacking a vehicle.
I’m sure there’s no connection, of course.
Kenneth McRae
To bad these instructions didn’t exist during from 1610 all the way to the 1960s. I am sure a lot of victims would have loved to learn how to deal with angry lynch mobs.
It seems to me, If a mob prevents me from going about my legal business, They have kidnapped me. If I am in fear, which at 83 YO I would be. I have every right to escape from you by any means necessary. I will try to move through you slowly, if that doesn’t work, and I am in fear as you beat on my windows… I will kill you to get away from you as fast as I can.
You are the ones that drew 1st blood. No remorse from me.
And if you are alone on say a motorcycle with no barrier between you and these idiots, you now have your options limited. You have to find a safe way to either remove yourself from the scene if possible, Get off your motorcycle so as to not have that become a way for you to become trapped under it if you are attacked physically. Also you need to be able to protect yourself without the motorcycle being a hindrance to you. If you live in a state like Florida, at what point does the stand your ground law apply? Whether you are in your 20’s or older, the amount of protesters and their aggressiveness when you are alone has to be a factor.
David P
My first thought is to yell ALLAHU AKHBAR! and set off a flashbulb….
JI'm Yowell
Move forward slowly until I’m clear, unless they strike my car, or threaten me in ANY other way… Then gun i5, running ANYONE who gets in my way! Because I would be in fear of my life!
If I’m not able to get through for some reason, and someone stokes my car, or threatens me in any other way, then…
Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang…
Change magazines…
Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang…
Change magszine…
Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang…
Hopefully they would get the FREAKING HECK out of my head before too many of them were killed, but if not, that’s ON THEM!
Jeffrey L. Griswold
I would have my family lie down on the floorboard and then I would draw my Sig Sauer P220 Elite. If they continue to try to enter the vehicle I will then slowly drive away, if a protester becomes lodged under my undercarriage, I will shoot the first eight protester attempting to enter my vehicle before changing magazines…
David Becker
Thank you for your response. May I ask where you came from I’m trying to figure out where all this new traffic is coming from.somewhere on Facebook.
Dallis Miller
Once you are blocked from moving forward or retreating then you become a hostage. A hostage can do what ever is needed to escape. At this point anything is on the table.
David Becker
I never considered the terminology but yes I suppose you are considered a hostage. I agree, anything is on the table.
Vlad Vondoom
In Glock We Trust!
Dalis Miller
No one asked.
David Becker
David Becker
No one asked what?
robert cosenza
yes if they come to hurt me or family,while in my car then i don,t want to hurt anyone,but if they come to hurt me then 4000 pounds beats 150 pbs plus 150 pbs plus and on and on.but first my dobermans will attack,and my gold cup will start to rack.remember i don,t want to hurt anyone,but you come to hurt me and my family.then my dobermans gold cup and car,will be in harmony. go trump
David Becker
Amen buddy. Always protect yourself.
David: I was referred from the Tea party Community forum.
David Becker
Is that facebook?
Bass Man
Yep, those damned Democrat lynch mobs were evil. That is why the National Rifle Association was first formed. To protect blacks’ civil rights to own guns so the Democrat Party and their KKK enforcers could be met with force. Now the Democrat party uses BLK thugs.
Reposted by Lizette Bianche on FB is how I found it.
They’ve blocked freeways and roads in Dallas.
The lord will protect us and i will use any force to help him…
found this on facebook
I was living in Chicago when the nurse riots broke out in 1966. People were pulled out of their cars & trucks & beaten, sometimes to death. Truckers were concerned as to what to do, as was everyone else. The police said to just drive through – don’t stop – just keep on driving. Then when you reach safety to call the police & tell them where you were when it happened & how many were injured. It was truly a very scary time.
macho dog
If you wait to analyze all the scenarios the author presents, you might well be dead. I would pull my gun and I’d ask “who’s first?”. Then leave…and roll through them if they try to block me. You can’t defend yourself in court if you’re dead. I don’t owe rioting, murderous, blood thirsty liberals anything. Not even their lives when they’re trying to take mine.
You are absolutely right! You don’t know who is packing in Texas!!
Full speed ahead and over the new speed bump I go.
I would be interested to see what would happen to the mob once someone started shooting. I know that only 10 or 20 rounds could be well placed in the heat of craziness. But once the mob saw some blood…. what would happen?
Dee Dee Matthews
I would give fair warning…”Move or I run you over”.